We believe... ….in building value and business impact through people and their development.
We have a vision... ….to enable people development through relevant, practical resources that have a measurable impact on performance.
We are on a mission... ….to empower the development of people and business performance through : * Innovative face-to-face coaching, training and consultancy * Ground-breaking technology empowering performance.
We put practical resources for people development in the hands of individuals, teams and business leaders enabling them to navigate new challenges in complex and uncertain times.
Driven by our vision, we enable people to identify and respond with agility and resilience to new opportunities that create business advantage.
Everything we do is focused on five commitments that connect individuals and teams through engaging development resources that are accessible anytime and anywhere in order to promote continuous development evidencing return on investment in people. For more information about our Five Commitments and what they offer, contact us at enquiries@innovationpeople.co.uk
If you can’t explain something to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.
- Albert Einstein
Our founder, Michael Croft established Innovation People in 2008 to live out its vision and its mission to connect people to performance drawing on personal experience stretching back to 1984. Throughout his career Michael has consistently led local, national and international initiatives, whether evaluation programmes for national training agencies, research, or the realising of the potential of people in organisations through starting and developing businesses from scratch or designing and implementing talent development programmes.
Working with a wide range of businesses, our commitment has been realised in simple, practical integrated solutions developing people and performance.
The SPICE Framework is the creation of Innovation People Ltd providing tools for effective and efficient decision-making and performance management.
For more information about the SPICE Framework use the contact points detailed below:
t: +44 (0) 1977 611251
Company Registration Number: 6604200
Registered office is now: 33 George St, Wakefield. WF1 1LX
In this brief article we seek to promote reflection on insight and product development. We also introduce the new product developed by Innovation People and released on the iOS App Store (just search “SPICE Framework” in the App Store).
This is a brief account of a journey, or should I say two journeys. One of them is literal, the other is metaphorical and symbolic. They both point along the same path. I hope they will encourage you to follow your own path and to seek out your own journey. My own has resulted in a
Have you ever asked yourself the question, ‘How free am I to choose?’. When we really think about it, most of us like to take the view we are free to make choices and decisions on our own as free and autonomous individuals. Very many of us have been heavily influenced by understanding that for example, through positive
I am prompted to write this because I have been reminded of some work I did years ago. Back then I found myself as a member of a working group considering “The Business Case for Diversity”. The intent was to wrestle with the challenge of promoting inclusion and opportunity in the workplace. Much of the discussion focused
I am genuinely interested in the way in which people manage their moral compass in decision-making within not just a business environment but also within their own personal integrity.
I remember being invited to be a participant on a rather prestigious leadership programme a while back which had the working title, “The Moral Compact of Leadership.” I was struck by
Take a look at the business stock in the UK economy overall and we see that over 99% of all businesses are small to medium sized enterprises (SME). This means they employ less than 250 employees. Out of the total number of businesses in the UK economy, 95% are micro businesses, employing between 1 and 9 people.
We want to make it clear we are committed to thorough, effective and well formed strategies. We advocate that businesses develop disciplines that bring their thinking and planning and aspirations to good effect. There is nothing in this article to challenge or question that. What we do question is not whether the development of thorough strategies is
Researched and developed in settings from micro-businesses to multinationals, the SPICE Framework is a simple, practical integrated solution to support recruitment and HR professionals. In this article we explain some of the fundamentals of the SPICE Framework and how it might benefit you and your organisation.
A reflection on the conclusions and predictions of the philosopher and sociologist, Jacque Ellul who argued that the progress of technological development was inevitable. What he meant by this was not so much technology itself but the agenda for process improvement and control that dominated much of twentieth century development derived. In this article, reflect on Ellul’s conclusions
In a recent blog I described trust as a form of currency essential in any relationship. In particular, I considered trust in a business relationship contributing to wealth overall. If you followed that blog, then you might recall that I wrote of wealth as being properly understood as far more than money or material riches.